Why we publish information

We’re committed to being open about the work we do. We publish information according to the Right to Information Act 2009 so you can read about our performance, spending and decisions.

Information we publish

We publish information from 8 groups.

About us

Who we are and what we do.

Our services

Our clinical health services.

Our finances

What we spend and how we spend it.

Our priorities

Our goals and future plans.

Our performance

Our goals and achievements.

View our hospital and health service performance or quality of care report.

Our decisions

Read our board meeting summaries to see how we make decisions.

Our policies

We’re governed by laws and policies from the Queensland Government and Queensland Health.

Our lists and registers

Information we must legally publish.

Information we don’t publish

We won’t publish some information if:

  • we can’t legally publish it
  • it’s not included in the Right to Information Act 2009
  • it’s not complete or we can’t access it
  • it’s not available because we’ve transferred it to the Queensland State Archives.

If you have questions about the information we publish:

Last updated: September 2023