WBHHS Health Hero - Josette Chor

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Image for WBHHS Health Hero - Josette Chor

Josette Chor
Director of Public Health/ Public Health Physician

How long have you been with WBHHS?
2 years

How do you describe what you do?
I lead the multidisciplinary teams in the Public health unit. Our core work is providing, community-oriented and multidisciplinary service on communicable disease control; Immunisation; disease surveillance and research; environmental health and disaster management.

What’s best about your job?
Everyday is an adventure because we are like an ED in population health. No one can predict what is coming through the door! Our work influence a large number of people in the community versus just individuals in the other clinical service.

What was your path into health care?
I started with undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and then went through medical degree and PhD. I thought I would become a scientist but after all I found human interaction is much more interesting than sitting in a cold laboratory.

What does being part of a team mean to you?
I absolutely love being in a team and also why I like working in regional area which team member works very closely together. Always good to have people with the same value to work together, to shed tears together, to laugh together and achieve together!

When you’re not at work, you are…
Poor mom of two cheeky monkeys, a foodie, a chef and a travel enthusiast

What do you enjoy about living in Wide Bay?
Friendly people, tranquil beaches, rich wildlife

Tell us a fun fact about you.
I came from Hong Kong and my surname is very rare in Chinese and means left (the direction). So I am Dr. Left but not Dr. Right!

What song are you listening to most right now?
Like everyone else all Tay Tay’s songs!